OZ is best....and greatest, and biggest, and most beautiful, and ...
My blogname says it all.
Oz is the best in the world.
Best what? you ask.
C'MON! C'..m..o.. n!
Anything! Everything!
Best, as in The World's Best Country, and that includes everything in a country so that includes mountain, sea, lake, river, animal, man, woman, lawyer, sports team, tennis player male, t.p.female, t.p.veteran male, etc etc
And, Best includes meaning the tallest, deepest, biggest, cleanest, longest, smartest, most advanced, most improved, most desired, most well-known, most talked about, etc etc etc.
Best also includes The World's Most This and Most That.
Best also means that there is no other Best thing, country, car, etc etc in the world.
OZ is best also means Oz is THE Only THE Best.